Paw-Warrior Games, named for its two co-founders, was established in 2014. At Paw-Warrior Games, we are dedicated to publishing games that are engaging and stimulating but most of all we want to create fun. With our games we attempt to evoke the players' imagination. Our goal is to take risks and invent new concepts in gaming that are exciting.

The Executive Team

Josh Paugh

Josh Paugh


Josh(the 'paw' in Paw-Warrior) brings more than a decade of game making experience to Paw-Warrior Games. His technical skills promise many exciting games to come out of the Paw-Warrior workshops.

Josh has a Bachelor's of Science in Physics from SUNY New Paltz and Master's degree in Education from Brooklyn College. He currently spends his days imbuing the youth of the boroughs with knowledge at Brooklyn Technical High School.

Ben Krieger

Ben Krieger


Ben(the 'warrior' in Paw-Warrior) has a naturally creative personality. This combined with a technical, algorithmic background precipitate original gaming ideas at Paw-Warrior Games.

Ben has a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science from SUNY New Paltz as well as a Master's degree of Engineering in Computer Sciencefrom Cornell Tech. He is currently working as a Software Engineer at Intersection Inc.